2020 Archive

The Mermaid, The Witch, and The Sea Review

Author: Maggi Tokuda-Hall

Publication Date: 5 May 2020

Publisher: Candlewick Press

Page Count: 368

Reading Method: E-reader ARC


The pirate Florian, born Flora, has always done whatever it takes to survive—including sailing under false flag on the Dove as a marauder, thief, and worse. Lady Evelyn Hasegawa, a highborn Imperial daughter, is on board as well—accompanied by her own casket. But Evelyn’s one-way voyage to an arranged marriage in the Floating Islands is interrupted when the captain and crew show their true colors and enslave their wealthy passengers. 

Both Florian and Evelyn have lived their lives by the rules, and whims, of others. But when they fall in love, they decide to take fate into their own hands—no matter the cost.


I loved all the different points of view and the complexity of the varying characters. The story is told in three parts, and I really enjoyed each segment. I also thought the take on mermaids was different than anything I had read before! I would definitely recommend checking this one out! ⁣⁣

You can purchase a copy of The Mermaid, The Witch, and The Sea here

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