2020 Archive

Prelude for Lost Souls Review

Author: Helene Dunbar

Publication Date: 4 August 2020

Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire

Page Count: 384

Reading Method: Physical ARC


In the town of St. Hilaire, most make their living by talking to the dead. In the summer, the town gates open to tourists seeking answers while all activity is controlled by The Guild, a sinister ruling body that sees everything.

Dec Hampton has lived there his entire life, but ever since his parents died, he’s been done with it. He knows he has to leave before anyone has a chance to stop him.

His best friend Russ won’t be surprised when Dec leaves―but he will be heartbroken. Russ is a good medium, maybe even a great one. He’s made sacrifices for his gift and will do whatever he can to gain entry to The Guild, even embracing dark forces and contacting the most elusive ghost in town.

But when the train of Annie Krylova, the piano prodigy whose music has been Dec’s main source of solace, breaks down outside of town, it sets off an unexpected chain of events. And in St. Hilaire, there are no such things as coincidences.


A mystical town, a compelling cast of characters, and a beautifully incorporated musical plot – Prelude for Lost Souls was an absolutely atmospheric read.

The story is told from three points of view: Annie, Dec, and Russ.  Annie is a world-renowned pianist who happens to find herself stranded in St. Hilaire.  Dec is still recovering from his parent’s fatal accident and dealing with a friend only he can see.  Russ is walking a fine line with his aspiration to be the best medium of his age, and the dangerous measures he’s willing to take to achieve this.  All the while, the Gulid – the regulatory entity of St. Hilaire – seems to be increasingly up to no good.

My favorite aspect of this story was the music.  It comes as no surprise that I am a music junkie, having played multiple instruments since I was young.  The incorporation of musical elements into any story speaks to me, and Prelude for Lost Souls was absolutely enchanting.  For this reason, I feel I most connected with Annie and her passion for the unfinished Prelude.

Though I related most to Annie, the other MC’s are just as captivating.  Dec and Tristan’s story is incredibly mysterious and left me wanting to know more.  I needed answers! I also found I could relate to his obvious middle-child syndrome.  Middle child life is rough, ya’ll.  Feeling responsible for his family and siblings, while still feeling the need to strike it out on his own, Dec is faced with tough choices throughout the story.

Russ’s sections were perhaps some of the most interesting and engaging.  His storyline seemed to be the most action-packed.  It’s hard to get into without spoilers, but let’s just say his interactions with a certain “illusive ghost” are some of my favorite.  His storyline is left feeling very unfinished and I can’t wait to see what happens in the next book.

I really enjoyed this story and it really got me in the mood for spooky season! Are we there yet?

You can purchase a copy of Prelude for Lost Souls here

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