2021 Archive

Review: Room Service

It’s almost here. The date I’ll never forget. The anniversary of the day they killed her. And now it’s the day I’ll kill one of them.

room service, marina stoffels

Author: Maren Stoffels

Publisher: Underlined

Publication Date: 29 June

Page Count: 272

Reading Method: Physical ARC [Thank you to the publisher!]

Dates Read: 26 June 

Rating: 3 out of 5.


A fancy hotel + no parents = party time for four friends celebrating a birthday weekend. But when an uninvited party guest seeking revenge turns up, the fun quickly turns into a nightmare.


I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from Room Service, but with a creepy set up like that, it is guaranteed to be a good time! 


Four friends head to a fancy hotel to celebrate a birthday, but three of them are hiding a dark (and potentially deadly) secret.  When a mystery someone shows up to make them pay for what they did, the group must come clean and work together to survive the game.  The idea behind Room Service was compelling and there are little twists and turns throughout that will keep the you on your toes!   


The story is told in dual POV.  The first is Fender – an established member of the friend group and the one who seems to be at the center of all the mysterious messages.  He has a bit of an attitude problem and seems to be suffering the most from the events of the past.  Linnea is the newest member of the group and has no clue what is going on.  Her perspective is often used as a means to explain to the reader the big mysterious thing in the past.  The book has little insights from the mysterious person behind the game sprinkled throughout.  Room Service is on the younger side of YA so all of the characters are quite young and quite dramatic, which led to some interesting reactions and events.  


The pacing was excellent.  The author did a great job of creating tension, suspense, and a general sense of unease throughout.  The twists and turns were decently surprising and I didn’t see anticipate the final reveal!  While I thought the writing itself was a bit on the younger side of YA, it could be a result of Room Service originally being written in another language and then translated to English.  


Room Service was a fun, suspenseful, thrill-filled read.  Though it was a tiny bit young for my current tastes, I can see young Haley enjoying this one immensely!  

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